Friday, September 30, 2011

Your Mother Or Your Wife ?

Like it or not, most men will save their mothers first if their mother and wife are both drowning at the same time, so asking your husband this question and expecting to hear a different answer is stupid !  Why would any wife expect otherwise?

Women’s lives become utter chaos from the moment the conceive until they hit their graves, due to constantly worrying about their children.  After all a woman goes through for her children, why would any woman ever expect to come into the picture and be given preference?  A wife can be replaced at any time, but a mother cannot.   Almost all mothers have earned and deserve the highest level of respect from their sons, and expect it from their daughters-in-law as well.  What is so unreasonable about that ?

Do wives ever think of what their mothers-in-law went through during pregnancy, labour, delivery and post partum? Do they ever think of the sleepless nights which their mothers-in-law had while attempting to soothe an insconsolable infant  or sick child? Do they ever think of the tears that their mothers-in-law shed while trying to comfort their sons, wishing that they could transfer their children’s pain and discomfort to themselves?

Why do wives pick apart and publicize the faults of their mothers-in-law but expect their husbands to overlook and hide theirs?

It is time that all women be more humble to the wonderful, strong women who gave them the husbands  who went on to make them mothers!

1 comment:

Aisha said...

MashaAllah i totally agree, but I guess we don't fully understand the concept of being a mum, until we experience it for ourselves. Only then we start looking at our mothers and sympathise with them