Tuesday, October 11, 2011

My First Blog Award

Thank you very much to Aisha from In the Eyes Of A Foreigner for giving me the Liebster Blog Award.  I am flattered.

The Liebster Blog Award is given to bloggers who have less than 200 followers.

The rules are simple:
  1. Show your thanks to the blogger who gave you the award by linking back to them.
  2. Reveal your top 5 picks for the award and let them know by leaving a comment on their blog.
  3. Post the award on your blog.
  4. Bask in the love from the most supportive people on the blogsphere - other bloggers.
  5. And, best of all - have fun and spread the karma.
Now to re-award it, I award the following blogs: 

The Life of Aaliyah